Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Just plugging along in the day

I guess I overdid it yesterday, jumping back in to our routine. My back just wasn't up to it, so I'm quite sore today. So, I'm not demanding so much of myself. And boy, does the house show it! It's days like this that make me feel guilty... I'm blessed that my parents are sharing their home with us, and the housework all falls to me, which is fine, but when they come home and the house just isn't up to par... well, I feel badly about that.

The girls did a great job folding laundry all by themselves, though! They are only 5 and 3, and they took care of the loads of towels for me, and Sunshine helped me move the laundry from washer to dryer. What great helpers!

Ok, enough sitting at the computer. I must tend to the fussing baby and do school with my oldest. Hope your day is going well!


  1. I'm sorry your back is acting up again. Yay for good helpers!!

    I know what you mean about feeling guilty when the house is not up to par. I feel the same way, even just after the baby was born I felt bad for not doing the housework and my mom having ot do it all.
