Thursday, April 19, 2007

Little Hoppy didn't make it

Poor little Hoppy (the rabbit we found in the back) died yesterday afternoon. I wonder if he didn't have internal injuries of some sort (remember, Dad had been working in the yard and forgotten they were there), as he was eating and peeing/pooping just fine.

I went to get him out of the nest we had made for him to give him another feeding, when I found him cold. Poor little guy.

Thankfully, I had prepared the girls for the idea that he just might not make it. They were a bit sad, but mostly disappointed in general that we don't have a pet. We had to put down the cat earlier this year, so now they've lost two animals.

Perhaps when we get to the new house we'll get a guinea pig or something.


  1. My grandparents lived on a farm and I once heard a terrible noise and went to investigate. A cat had a baby rabbit and I chased that cat down and rescued the rabbit. It didn't make it very long either. I once had a baby duck and same thing...only survived a couple of days. I wonder why that is? Anyway, sorry Hoppy didn't make it.
