Sunday, August 5, 2007

New blessings, new beginnings!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

I am very happy to announce to you gals that I'm expecting another wee blessing. According to every due date calculator I can get my grubby fingers on says that the due date is March 22, 2008. My first spring baby!! No going through a hot summer while sporting my best hippo look! LOL

This baby is a baby of new beginnings, new promises, new hopes. Isn't God GOOD?


  1.'ll have a new one with chubby little thighs and cute little toes to love!! I'm guessing Sweetheart would love a little brother!!

    Spring babies are wonderful!!


  2. God IS Good! Congratulations! I am so very happy for you! :) I held a baby n church own "baby" is 12. I miss that. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy, for you!

  3. Congrats!! I am so excited for you. When I told DH I probably had all the enthusiasm I would have had if I was telling him *I* was pg.

  4. Congratulations - another sweet little one to hold!

    BTW, will you email me your new address? I keep meaning to ask, but I keep forgetting!


  5. Congrats again my friend. Thanks for calling! The girls and I stepped out for a bit...our boys went to the combine derby and I kept thinking it was just so unfair that they were THAT close to you and it didn't work out to meet up!
    Now I get to look forward to meeting you AND a new tiny bundle!
    Love ya!

  6. Wow!!! Awesome! Have the baby on March 14th ok? :) Wow! You and hubby don't take long! :D

  7. Hmm, I posted last week after you called me "congrat's" but it didn't show up I guess. Sorry about that.

    Congrats on the new one coming along..I pray that it's a boy so sweetheart has a little brother to play with him.
