Monday, September 17, 2007

Some "chinese" funnies

For some reason, Sunshine is a bit preoccupied with the Chinese. I am not sure where it came from, but it sure is giving us some laughs!

First, she keeps leaving the final "z" sound off the word. Pronouncing it "Chinee." Giving us lots of giggles.

Yesterday, I was dressing her little brother for church, and she bounces over, "Hey! He looks kinda Chinee in that outfit!" LOL, which he did NOT. I'm really not sure what her line of thinking was there. He was wearing navy pants and a light blue dress shirt...? But - this made her little brother pipe up indignantly, "I not Tinese!" Well, Mommy begs to differ. While he may not be Chinese, he certainly IS Tinese! (If you are having trouble seeing the humor, think "tiny" in association with Tinese. He is a wee boy.)

And a final funny, Sunshine was acting out some scene in her imagination with a bunch of animals, one of which was a moose. Her daddy was sitting close by, and after she had said something apparently in her own little form of Chinese, Daddy said, "I didn't know you knew Chinese!" Her reply was, "Oh no. That wasn't me. That was [insert name of moose, which I can't remember], because he is a moose." Ahhhh. Because, all moose naturally speak Chinese, right? LOL


  1. KIDS say the cutest things. I love their since of humour.

  2. That is too funny! I love the way little kids say things. Logan says "whiff" instead of "if". I love it!!
