Friday, October 12, 2007

Twins? Update

I won't keep you in huge suspense... only ONE baby in there. Whew! The thought of twins was so overwhelming to me, so I'm relieved.

Dh said he wasn't nervous or scared, but when I came home grinning, his eyes got HUGE and the look on his face was saying otherwise. His shoulders dropped in relief when I said, "Just one!"

It's not that we don't know that twins would be loads of fun in some ways and two babies - why, that's twice the blessing that one is! It's the knowledge that twins are also a lot of work and take real adjusting, at least by watching the few other people we know with twins, anyway. My father is a twin, and my grandma has some stories, I tell you!

Anyway, I had joked with the tech that my theory was that my muscles were just waving the white flag, and she laughed in agreement. Turns out, it is my uterus itself that is larger this go around. It is just already "in the groove" and knows what it is doing! So that is why I'm showing earlier, etc. I truly am bigger, but not because of fluid or two babies, or anything. My body is just a pro at this.

I do have one funny for you - *embarrassed cough*

There was a second sac-looking thing next to the sac the baby is in, and when it wasn't in focus, the different markings I was seeing DID give me a bit of a shock, and I did ask her, "was it that?" Thinking, oh my... there IS a second baby. She just waved it aside and said, "Oh, that's gas." Well, it didn't LOOK like it! LOL

I got the usual picture to take home, and it is a good shot (I think) - you can see the baby's face and a little hand. I had told the children before I left for the appt that I'd have a surprise for them when I got home. (Even though I'm showing already, they did not figure out yet I'm pg.) So they were very excited, jumping around me, "What is it? What is it?" I showed them the face and the tiny hand and the baby's body, and my 4 yr old did not make the connection even after I giving her some clues, but my 5 yr old did right away! She started grinning and looking "knowing" if you know what I mean by that. She touched my belly, hugged it and said, "But I wanted TWO babies!" (She has been saying for weeks that the next time we have a baby, she wanted twins.) We laughed and told her sorry, God only sent us one this time. I'd share the u/s pic, but my computer is in the shop, and dh's laptop won't work with my scanner. Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure twins are lots of fun, and I truly admire the mommas of multiples.

    But I agree with you....whew!!
