Friday, April 25, 2008

Do you ever just get overwhelmed with the mothering thing?

And I don't mean the upteenth try at finding the perfect schedule or routine. I mean, seeing all the things you want your children to know or to be when they leave your home?

I want my girls to be better seamstresses than I am by the time they leave the house. I want them to know more about cooking and meal planning than I did. (And how to pick out good meats, which I still don't know too well.) I want them to have a fire in their heart for God and a true desire to know Him and serve Him, not just be obsessed with the latest celebrity or boys. I want them to realize that while being God's child carries many blessings with it, the greatest blessing is that you have the enormous priviledge of getting to know God in an intimate way. I also have so many things to list for my boys, not the least of which is how on earth do I teach them to be men of God who guard their eyes and thoughts, when I do not truly understand their struggles or how they think? And those are only the tip of the iceberg. There are so many things practical, spiritual, and otherwise, that I want them to learn.

I just sit down sometimes and think, "Oh, today I wanted to do x,y, and z, and I didn't even get close! How will I fit all these life lessons in?"

It all comes to living life with a purpose each day, living life intentionally. Would it be crazy to list those goals and post it somewhere in my house? My first thought is, what if company sees that list? And my hubby would most surely mock the list. (He is just a teaser that way - nothing is sacred. *wink*) But if I don't post it, I won't see it. And if I don't see it regularly, I will get caught up in the day-to-day of laundry, dishes, and diapers.



  1. I have the same thoughts! The only thing I can figure is to keep learning and when my kids get old enough, take them along for the ride :) Even if I don't know everythign, so I can't teach them everything, I can still pass on what I *do* know and have learned thus far. That will still give them a better start then I had.

  2. Yes, I struggle with these very things - almost on a daily basis. I am overwhelmed with the thoughts of everything there is to teach these boys, and the hopes and dreams I have for them... and remembering that God already has a plan in place for them that I am bound to help them find.

    Heavy stuff.

  3. Oh how I can relate, but I don't have girls. I have three boys and I want them to be good Christian men and treat their wives and families well.

    That is why we chose Christian school to help. I quite honestly do not have the knowledge of the bible and the word to pass it on. We talk about what they learn of course and it encourages me to to try to bettr pursue expanding my knowledge. Sometimes when "life" happens, it amazes me what my little men pull from what they have learned. It is moments like that, that reassure me that we have made the right decision for now.

    Also, I am sure they learn much by example, so while you don't feel you are teaching them specific things, you would be amazed at what they are learning!
