Friday, June 20, 2008

You'd be SO proud of me

(Btw, before I start, I could have sworn that I had posted since I got home...? Guess not, Mater.)

Ok, before I can tell you what you should be proud of, gotta tell you the background. The hubster was gone a month (military stuff) to a state far,far away. He just got back last week. Well, being the only grown up in the house during that time, I got a little tired and in need of a breather, especially since the baby still isn't sleeping through the night.

So I took 24 hours away for a little recharge. I went to a hotel for a night and slept in a marvelous bed, with ten pillows!! I lounged in that bed for hours. I slept in. Around caring for the baby, of course - since he is a nursing baby, I took him, but he is easy to care for, so it truly was a break. I went shopping here and there, and even bought myself a couple things.

And, I've not allowed the guilt monster to attack me over the money thing. It has tried to creep in there, but I've kept it at bay.

So, are ya proud?


  1. Woohoo for not feeling guilt!! Not quite the same but I stopped at McD's yesterday after grocery shopping and only felt guilty for a second. Hey, I only spent $2! I'm thinking I need to stop there more often :)

  2. I'm so glad you did it :)

  3. So glad you were able to get away--you deserved it!!
