Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Girls vs Boys

I was tucking Sweetheart in tonight, and as I left the room he said, "Wait! I didn't kiss you!"

He threw his arms around my neck and gave me a sloppy kiss. I smiled into his hair and said, "You are wonderful."

"No, I'm not!"

"You're not?"

"No. I'm not a girl who is wonderful. I am a boy who is cool."

Oh, my mistake. Girls are wonderful; boys are cool. Got it.


  1. isn't it funny how early boys sense their differences and express it. Soon you'll hear all about him going to be a man and learning to be one. My AR was very vocal about this and it was quite a surprise (probably since I don't have brothers).

  2. Where, oh where, oh where is Lily?

    At least he didn't say boys rule, girls drool.....LOL!
