Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ahh, it's been one of "those" days

You know, where you want to go back to bed and pull the covers over your head? Yeah. That kind. In fact, as I pulled up the "new post" option here on my blog, I heard a glass crashing to the floor in the kitchen, shattering and scattering shards of glass everywhere. Big sigh from Mommy. But thankfully, no one got hurt or cut. I've gotten it up as best as I can. Later I'll get out the vacuum to try to get up any pieces I can't see.

We're all tired from our few days away at my sister's house, and so it's Crankville for our clan. Including Mommy. The baby is sick again (nasty, nasty cold and she can't breathe well at all, poor thing), and home just isn't exciting enough for some of our smallest members.

I'm finding that I have no patience for even the little, harmless, silly things they are doing that just make them children. On other days, I would find it funny and mentally file it away for later memories of how fun it was when they were all little. But today, I'm not that person. Today I'm the grumpy Mom who is more concerned with her own little wants: complete silence, no interruptions, and to think in complete sentences. I don't like this "me" very much at all.

I keep telling myself that they can't see Christ's love through me if I'm being growly. And, I'm missing all these wonderful chances to talk about spiritual things because I just want to retreat into my own shell.

I think it's time to grab the kids, cuddle on the couch with some big blankets, and read a book (or ten) together. I know Mommy needs her love tank filled up, and it seems the others do, too. But mostly, I need to get my head focused on them, and not me. They are not here to please me. I'm here to guide them, to love them, to teach them, and to nurture them. How can I teach them how to handle their grumpy moods if I am not handling mine well?

Um, sorry - I've gotta go! I'm going to gather the children. We're going to make a list of our blessings, tell each other we love each other, and then we're piling up with some books!

(I love blogging. It's so theraputic.)

Friday, February 23, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Mommy: What do mommies do?

Sunshine: Cook food.

M: What else?

S: Give their kids baths if they poop or have diarrhea.

M: Is that it?

S: Put their boogers in the trash.

M: Anything else?

S: No, that's it.

M: So all mommies do is cook and clean up messes?

S: Yup.

M: I think I can agree with that.

At least, that is my main job description here. *wink*

Drive-by Lovin'

Remember the days of being a teenager and doing phone pranks? Ah, come on... you never did it? Not even once?

Well, I did. My best friend and I used to do this. Well... ok, so she did the calling, but I sure laughed my tuckus off while listening in. A few times she'd do the typical scenario - call a random house to ask if their toilet is running. But people quickly caught onto those. And she always hoped they didn't have caller ID or she'd be in big trouble. (This is largely why I let her do the calling. I know, shameful.)

I remember one rather funny one, though. Back before the days of everyone having a cellphone, she'd call Walmart (or a similar store large enough to have a PA system), explain there was a family emergency of some sort, and ask them to page Ipey Freely so Ipey could come home right away. Now, if you're scratching your head, then say Ipey Freely aloud.

Are you groaning from the lameness (...yeah, not a word... oh well)? Well, quite a few people fell for it. The only thing is, we had to imagine what the announcement sounded like over the PA system. Well, ok, so we weren't the masters of this. Teenagers can be pretty lame, lol. We obviously were.

But fast forward 15 years and you will find that I still love a good phone prank. Especially when it leaves you with a smile and a warm feeling somewhere under your left set of ribs. (That is often referred to as "warm fuzzies.")

"How?" you may ask. Well, you do what is called a Drive-by Lovin'. I came up with this myself one day when I just wanted to call my sis up to tell her she was loved, but I didn't have time to engage in the hour-long phone conversation that would automatically ensue.

To do a Drive-by Lovin' you need a loved one, a phone, mastery of obnoxious loud kissing noises, and about 30 seconds of free time. When they answer the phone, you say, "This is a Drive-by Lovin'!" Then proceed to make those loud, obnoxious kissing noises, and hang up immediately after. Even if they are talking. (That's where the drive-by part comes in. If you stay and talk, it is now a Lingerin' Lovin'.)

They very well may call you back. That's ok. And you just might get some Lingerin' Lovin', too. But if you don't, at least you'll know you gave someone (and yourself) a smile and some warm fuzzies.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Who cake?

As you know, my youngest goes by "Shortcake" here on my blog.

Today my sister and I were discussing that she just doesn't fit the description anymore, as she is large for her age (wearing 12 month clothes when she is only 7 months old). So my sister suggested we change her name... to Poundcake. LOL

I'm not going to, though. Gotta keep the alliteration going, ya know.

Another mess... or another memory?

Taking advantage of the break in winter weather, we went for a lovely walk today. During that walk, I was the kind of mom I always want to be: I let them play in the puddles. Oh, not just any puddles, either. Puddles so deep that the water went up over their shoes. Yes. That deep.

I can hear some of you gasping in horror. I know, I know - the laundry! The possible stains! The mess when we go back into the house! Their shoes will never be the same!

And that almost stopped me, too. But I did it anyway. You see, my natural reaction is to say, "Hey, stay out of the puddles. You'll get your clothes dirty." I don't relish the laundry mess or having to clean the floor again. But I do love those grins on their faces when they get to do something "forbidden" and messy.

Today I got to be the mom I really want to be. The Fun Mom. The Carefree Mom. And it felt great! I couldn't help but think what is the use of being kids if they can't do stuff like this? So I decided to look at it as another memory, not another mess. I'm pretty sure they do, too.

Didn't ya know?

Sugar-n-Spice was giving my youngest sister a hand with her laundry this afternoon. My sister was washing some of her boyfriend's laundry for him. As she pulled out a red shirt for Sugar-n-Spice to put in the basket, the scenario went like this:

Sugar-n-Spice: Is that "J's" shirt?

Aunt: Yep.

(Aunt pulls out another shirt that is also J's and also happens to be red.)

Sugar-n-Spice: Is that "J's" shirt, too?

Aunt: Yep.

Sugar-n-Spice: It's red, too. He must be a teacher.

Well, didn't ya know? Teachers wear red.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dinnertime Tradition: Best and Worst

With my family of only little people, it is easy to just run from one need to the next all day. Especially with homeschooling thrown in the mix. When they have a discipline issue, we sit down and have a heart to heart, and I try to fit in good conversation in every day, but you know, with 4 kids in 4 years... it can get hairy some days. So one way I discovered was a good way to really talk to the kids (actually really the older two - ages 5 and 3) was to do a dinner time "best and worst." We take turns, even the grown ups, and say what was the best part of our day, and what was the worst part of the day.

It starts with the youngest ones, because they just can't wait too long for their turn. So for us, Sweetheart starts, and trust me, at age 2, he can give some bizarre answers. Most of the time he has no idea what we really mean, but if we skip him, he gets upset. Then it's on to the next oldest.

I am finding this really is a great way to learn even more about my kids. I am getting peeks into what offends them or hurts their feelings, even when they said nothing about it at the time. It's taken off into some great discussions, too. (This is why we have to start with the little ones... they can't wait for the discussion to end.) It is also fun to laugh over some things they thought were so wonderful! They really have a knack for reminding me to take pleasure in the simple things.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What are your favorite baby parts?

Don't you just love those baby parts? Everytime I try to pinpoint my very favorite, I just can't! I really have a list of favorites. Here they are, in no order of importance:

*tushies - can it get more squeezable?
*fingers - those chubby indents on their knuckles!
*palms - I love the little creases in their palms, and wow, is that part SOFT.
*feet - I love the bottoms of their feet - same creases as the palms - and their toes are just tiny balls of cuteness from the underside! Tiny little balls!
*noses - I adore kissing those tiny little noses.

So come on - what are your favorites? (And isn't it too bad chub isn't still all the rage as adults? *wink* )

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Stop procrastinating, girl, and just DO it.

I've wanted to french braid my little gal's hair for so long, but every time I tried (and months went by between each attempt), it was a mess. So I'd just give up. Try once, then quit.

Well, this past week I decided that it was just ridiculous that I kept quitting. I wouldn't dare let my kids have that sort of attitude, so why was I letting myself get away with it? So I just jumped in one day. Oh my, Sunshine's hair was hilarious! But I didn't quit. The next day I fixed it again, and the next day and the next, and today (after a week of braiding her hair daily), her hair looks like a french braid! I'm so proud of myself.

Now, onto tackle the next thing at which I am no good, but wish I was... hand sewing. There is a cute little set of small quilt samplers you can make that someone sent me the link to. I could use them as pot holders.

And yes, I expect it to look absolutely horrendous. But hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? Besides, no one said you can't try and then burn all the evidence! LOL

Friday, February 16, 2007

Sunshine wants to be like me

Yeah, but not in the sense you think. Boy, don't I wish! No, one day she saw me getting dressed. (And hereafter, there will be ** in the words so no one can pull up this post in a search for certain words.) The conversation went something like this:

Sunshine: Mommy, you've got big swingy b**bs!

Mommy: Uhhhh, yeah, I guess I do. (feeling very self-conscious at this point)

S: Will I have big swingy b**bs when I grow up?

M: Probably.

S: Oh, look, you've got a squishy belly, too. Look, it shakes when I pat you!

M: (sighing heavily) Yes.

S: Will I have a squishy belly when I grow up?

M: Yup, after you have children you will.

S: What are these lines on your tummy?

I think you can guess how this continued. I tell ya, kids are great for humbling a person. And for reminding you to get back into that exercise routine again!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

P-U, Jonah!

Sunshine and Sugar-n-Spice were acting out the story of Jonah. This particular go-around, Sunshine was Jonah (they were taking turns). At the end of the story, Jonah gets vomitted out onto dry land. So Sunshine/Jonah looks down at herself/himself and says, "Oh yuck. I need a shower!"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Whatever your day holds, I hope that you are surrounded by people who love you. I know I am! I have a loving Savior who guides me, protects me, and provides for me. I have 4 beautiful and sweet children. We have lots of family whom we love and they love us in return. Oh how blessed I am! And, in addition, my husband and I are still together. Oh, how GOOD God is!

I am turning the focus of our Valentine's Day to something besides the usual romantic holiday. In our family, from now on it will be a celebration of the love we have in so many friends and family and a celebration of Christ's love for us. That's why I've decided to extend Valentine's Day to a whole week.

Our house looks so fun right now. We've written the names of people we love on hearts and attached them to the walls. (Mommy actually stopped the cutting and writing them because we'd made SO many hearts and her hands were tired! We could have put so many more, but Mommy said no more. *wink* ) We made homemade streamers made from yarn and construction paper hearts. We decorated sacks and filled them with yummy cookies that we baked and iced, homemade cards, and soon, Mommy will sneak some small presents into the sacks. Shhhh!

Today we'll be having a party, complete with snacks, games, and a treasure hunt. I hope this will be the first of many wonderful Valentine's parties. Before I know it, the kids will be decorating the house themselves! And hopefully, we'll stumble upon some wonderful traditions along the way.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lily = Domesticity?

Wellll, I must confess something. I've always wanted to be a sahm, which I happily am, but I never wanted to keep the house, lol.

I am just not "domestic." I don't like to sew, cook, bake, clean, or anything else you can put in the category. I love to be a mommy. I love homeschooling. If only I could do just those two, lol.

Well, I started praying that God would help me to learn to like it. And do you know what crazy desire I've had lately? To get a sewing machine and sew. Oh, now that HAS to be an answer to prayer because I would much rather pay friends to sew for me. In fact, I've done that before, lol.

I've decided that I want to quilt, sew some simple stuff for the kids (stuff like aprons to help with keeping clothes clean during certain times), and do a few pillows and curtains. Now, the desire is there... just gotta get a machine and follow through. So now I suppose I should pray for a machine!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Shortcake isn't living up to her name

Nope, she isn't. She is 7 months old, but she is wearing 12 month clothes! I cannot believe she is growing so well. None of my other kids have grown like this! She is both as tall as a 12-mo old, as well as heavy as a 12-mo old.

Now, my other two girls were always considered on the tall side for their age, but nothing to the point of wearing clothes that were ahead of their ages. Sweetheart, well, he has been on the small size for awhile, and just recently started being considered "average" in some categories. So I guess I've had all the ranges.

Also, she has got two teeth and working on two more (very slowly, though... they've been teasing us for awhile now), and she can sit up alone. She loves her mommy and her feet, LOL. She also likes Mommy's toes. I think perhaps because they are painted...? And she loves her big sisters and brother. They make her laugh so much!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Home from church this morning

The two smallest ones have bad colds. Sunshine has one, too, but hers is very manageable, so I sent her and Sugar-n-Spice to church with my mom. But Sweetheart and Shortcake can barely breathe, and Sweetheart has this constant green grossness coming out of his nose. I didn't think the parents of other children in the nursery would appreciate that too much. So we are home.

Seems like this winter we've had more bad colds than usual - really, more sickness in general. I wonder why that is? It's kept me home with Sweetheart quite a few times. The girls have been disappointed quite a few times over that.

Ah, well. It gave me some one-on-one cuddling with Sweetheart this morning. He loved that!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Valentine's week

Valentine's week is coming up. Yes, "week." I decided to make an entire week of fun out of it for the kids. I thought we'd really stress the loving part with each other.

Every day I'm trying to do something fun. Monday of that week we'll be decorating the house and making our bags. Tuesday will be making cookies and icing them (eating a few, but saving the rest for the party and remainder of the week). Wednesday will be our own little party. I am stuck for Thursday and Friday... thinking perhaps jello jigglers one day... and then what for the next?

Does anyone have any suggestions? What are you doing with your kids?

Tidbits from this week

Seems I just can't make it on to blog lately. Several reasons... my dad is around all day lately, as he is out of work currently, and he likes to read over my shoulder. Not that I have anything to hide... but all the same, I prefer to blog alone. (smile)

Our cat is going to be put down tomorrow. My kids will be a bit sad, but I've been warning them that this time was coming, so they are a bit prepared. Besides, they really didn't even touch him, as he is an "old man cat" as I call him. He prefers the company of adults and just hides from the children. So not much bonding went on anyway. But he was a good starter pet for them. They learned to feed and water him, and to give him his space when he needed it. Also had some lessons in not being cruel or mean to animals, so all in all, it's been good.

I'm trying to lose a few more pounds. I really want to get down at least another ten (fifteen would be a dream!!!) before I'm pg with the next baby. Right now I weigh what I did when I got pg with my oldest child. That is so exciting for me! Anyway, so I picked up a couple exercise videos to alternate with (I already do pilates). I don't do well if the variety isn't there. One of them is a dance video. That should be HILARIOUS! I'm NOT a dancer, rofl. But I thought it would be fun, and that is a big battle with workout videos. I just made sure it isn't some seductive sort of dancing. Oh, that would be tragic - ME dancing seductively? EEEEK! I'm such a ... what is the word? Well, I can't place the word, but trust me, yours truly isn't seductive.

I ordered Math-U-See for my oldest. Looking at the scope and sequence for the Primer (that is what they call their curriculum for the lowest level), she is way beyond parts of it, and then others, she knows nothing. I think it will be a good way to start off, as some parts will be challenging her, and then others will give her confidence that hey, she knows quite a bit already. Oh, and she wants to learn about China. So we'll be doing a unit study on China. Gotta hit the library!

Can you recommend or scream about your printer?

I'd love your input about the printer you use in your home, if you have what I'm looking at.

I'm looking for a good quality all-in-one. Do you love or hate yours? I've heard I need to stay away from Lexmark, as they are ink hogs.


Sunshine says, "I love you" to a boy

Sunshine has a little girl crush on a dear family friend's son. He is a year older than she. (So they are 5 and 6.) The other day Sunshine was asked if she had a boyfriend. She immediately replied, "No," but then quickly added, "Yes... his name is P_____."

Well, "P" lives in another town, but when he spent the night with his grandma who attends church with us, "P" and Sunshine sat together. During the service, she drew him a picture. After the service was over, she said, "Here, I drew this for you."

P: Well, what is it?

Sunshine: It's a picture because I love you.

P: (eyes wide with shock and panic) I don't want it!

Sunshine: But I made it for you. Take it.

P: (still panicky, lol) Give it to Grandma!

Sunshine: Ok.

LOL!!! I was amused by his "freak out" over her declaration, and equally amused by how easily her "love" was forgotten when he told her to give it to Grandma. (wink)

Sweetheart's thumbs up

Sweetheart is a "new" 2 year old, so his finger coordination isn't so great. When we give him a thumbs up, he does his version - his index finger!

Sunshine and Walnuts

I made brownies with walnuts in them - YUM. This was Sunshine's first taste of a walnut. She did not care for them, so she was picking them out.

Of course, I tried to "trick" her into eating them, as they have some good stuff in there (Omega 3!!).

Mommy: Oh, but if you eat them, you can pretend you are a squirrel. Squirrels love walnuts.

Sunshine: Nice try, Mom.