Friday, February 23, 2007

Drive-by Lovin'

Remember the days of being a teenager and doing phone pranks? Ah, come on... you never did it? Not even once?

Well, I did. My best friend and I used to do this. Well... ok, so she did the calling, but I sure laughed my tuckus off while listening in. A few times she'd do the typical scenario - call a random house to ask if their toilet is running. But people quickly caught onto those. And she always hoped they didn't have caller ID or she'd be in big trouble. (This is largely why I let her do the calling. I know, shameful.)

I remember one rather funny one, though. Back before the days of everyone having a cellphone, she'd call Walmart (or a similar store large enough to have a PA system), explain there was a family emergency of some sort, and ask them to page Ipey Freely so Ipey could come home right away. Now, if you're scratching your head, then say Ipey Freely aloud.

Are you groaning from the lameness (...yeah, not a word... oh well)? Well, quite a few people fell for it. The only thing is, we had to imagine what the announcement sounded like over the PA system. Well, ok, so we weren't the masters of this. Teenagers can be pretty lame, lol. We obviously were.

But fast forward 15 years and you will find that I still love a good phone prank. Especially when it leaves you with a smile and a warm feeling somewhere under your left set of ribs. (That is often referred to as "warm fuzzies.")

"How?" you may ask. Well, you do what is called a Drive-by Lovin'. I came up with this myself one day when I just wanted to call my sis up to tell her she was loved, but I didn't have time to engage in the hour-long phone conversation that would automatically ensue.

To do a Drive-by Lovin' you need a loved one, a phone, mastery of obnoxious loud kissing noises, and about 30 seconds of free time. When they answer the phone, you say, "This is a Drive-by Lovin'!" Then proceed to make those loud, obnoxious kissing noises, and hang up immediately after. Even if they are talking. (That's where the drive-by part comes in. If you stay and talk, it is now a Lingerin' Lovin'.)

They very well may call you back. That's ok. And you just might get some Lingerin' Lovin', too. But if you don't, at least you'll know you gave someone (and yourself) a smile and some warm fuzzies.

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