Sunday, June 3, 2007

New blogs on sidebar

I've found a few new blogs over the past few months, and they are finally posted on my sidebar. Some are friends in real life that I've met along the way; others are new friends online. But they all have something special about them that I enjoy.

2nd Cup of Coffee - Linda is a hilarious woman who makes me laugh, laugh, laugh. And she is a great encouragment in the Lord, too!

All Day Night - Candi is a very caring woman and great friend. She also posts some great recipes and lets you know how they turned out. And her boys are c-u-t-e.

For Reluctant Entertainers - This site is awesome! I am not a great entertainer (remember, no domestic goddess here!), so I love Sandy's ideas!

Military Mommy - As a fellow military wife, I really enjoy Michelle's blog. Plus, she's a fellow homeschooler and stay-at-home-mom. Her blog offers several things: humor, Godly encouragement, ideas, and touching posts.

Hope there is something in there for you, too!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh...thanks. You're a great friend, too. I really do miss you and the kids!

    Someday I might get around to adding some blogs to my sidebar (you included!)...LOL. This week I am running around trying to prepare for my sister and her family coming for a visit!!
