Friday, June 22, 2007

Praises and progress!

ETA: My lovely daughter made me accidently post too soon, so I've added to this post.

Thank you to all who prayed and sent well wishes for our move! God has been soooo gracious to us!

Our funds for moving were not what we had hoped they were, and I had a pretty strong feeling that it wasn't going to be enough. But there was nothing I could do about it. So I just asked God to make our funds sufficient, no matter how small they were for all the planned expenses. And we all know that there are always UNplanned expenses, no?

Well, He was good, once again, as He made our money stretch. We were also blessed by the kindness of others. I'm quite sure He had a hand in that, too. *wink*

Here are some examples: a company refunded us some money after overcharging us, my mom surprised us with a whole pantry-worth of groceries, and when we had to call a plumber right away, he shocked us with two little words: "No charge." Not to mention, I had a friend mention something to me about moving, which saved us about $400 just by her comment. Thanks, kugoi!

The kids were really quite good. Of course, they've been more hyper, but that is completely understandable, considering all the stress and excitement they've had. We all also got the obligatory "new move sickness." If you've not moved very often, perhaps you don't notice it when you move. But every time we move, we all get sick. New germies and whatnot, plus the stress. I've still got one with a nasty cough that is breaking up, and one with a gooey nose. It's on its way out.

Pets... we ended up with only one of the kittens - Theo. My sister decided to keep Callie. Theo is a cute little guy. Black and white and mischievious! He loves to attack toes, especially when you are sleeping. And his favorite spot to sleep on is my neck. Which is fine now... but wait til he weighs a bit more, lol. And the poor guy is being loved to death by Shortcake and Sweetheart. We have to regulate their time with "kitty."

Shortcake has learned to walk since we moved. Today she took 13 steps in a row! Her first birthday is in less than two weeks!

I managed to get the kitchen COMPLETELY set up in the first two days! Now the house is mostly unpacked (already!!) and it's just working on the odds and ends. But that is gonna take me awhile, as the kids are badly needing us to return to our old routine. So it's back to homeschooling, regular chores, afternoon walks around the neighborhood, etc. I'll just have to work on a box a day from here on out.

How I feel about my new home in a word? Thrilled. We have so much room to breathe! Sunshine said, "Mommy, this house is better than our old house and better than Grandma and Grandpa's house." I agree! It is so much easier to keep things clean now - no clutter because of lack of space is a big help. Ahhh, thank you, Lord!


  1. You didn't tell me Shortcake was walking!!! How exciting!! I'm so happy things are going so well and you're enjoying your new home so much. I wish I could come see it, but no offense, I hope I move away in the opposite direction real soon :)

  2. God is certainly good, isn't He?! Sounds like your move went pretty smoothly. Glad the "new move sickness" is on it's way out! Enjoy setting up your new house.

  3. Glad everything is going so well! How exciting!
