Saturday, July 21, 2007

Growing up is so much fun!

Shortcake now drinks from both a sippy and a straw. She learned both skills in the last few days. Man, does it make things easier. Now when we are out, I don't always have to nurse her, if it's not a good time. Sometimes she still insists, but often she is content with the other options.

Goodness, I just can't believe how big she is getting! She walks pretty quickly now. And she loves to play chase. I chase her by crawling behind her, slapping the ground behind her really loudly, which makes her shriek in glee, while growling at her. She loves it. She gets so excited that she'll get all tangled up in her own legs and crash. Then I attack her and tickle. I do SO love that belly laugh!

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun that I have one so close to her in age. I'm shaking my head in agreement...I do those things to Lucas and he thinks it is the best thing EVER!!

    Just FYI...I was the one that voted on the poll saying I need something to do when I take my laptop to the toilet...LOL!! I couldn't resist! I'm sure you already knew that though.
