Monday, July 30, 2007

How it went: entertaining

It went really well!!

Of course, things went wrong (don't they always), but I found a way around it. I had baked banana bread, but it didn't cook all the way through. The center was still pretty raw. It's a new oven to us, so I have some tweaking to do. I just ran to the store and picked up a cheesecake and topping. Wala!

She arrived at 1:00 on the dot, with beautiful flowers in hand. She had done her hair up in rollers and was just a cute curly guest! But her hubby wouldn't come - said it was a "woman thing." LOL So when the afternoon was over, I sent some cheesecake home with her for him. Turns out the kind I served is his favorite and the only kind he will eat. (smile)

We chatted nonstop for 3 hours! We laughed and laughed, and laughed some more. It really was fun. And she read books to my kidlets, which I wondered who it was more fun for - her or the kids? Her grandkids live far away, and she just ate up my little crew.

When she was leaving, she kept saying again and again how we have to do this again because it was so much fun. And it was! I'm very happy with how things went... just really enjoyable and relaxing.


  1. THat sounds like it went so awesome! Yay!!

  2. I'm glad to hear it went so well - thanks for the inspiration!

    And, love the cute invitation!

  3. You know...I wondered when you said she was giddy if her grandchildren lived far away.

    I'm so glad you asked her to come over!! I'm sure it made her day!!

  4. Just found your blog off of someone elses!! Can't remember whose because I like checking all that responds via comments!
    Anyway, I love your title of your blog...Consider the Lilies...I turned to the scripture to review it and it was just what I needed to hear this morning. Sometimes we just have to be reminded that God will take care of us....if we do seek Him first and all His righteousness....
    Thank you! Blessings!
