Friday, December 28, 2007

Comedy from our house

~ My favorite memory from Christmas this year: Sweetheart was opening a present, which was toys in the store's packaging. Even though he could see the toys in the box, he jumped up and down shrieking, "A BOX! A BOX!" He was so giddy over a box. Too cute.

~ Sunshine said of her daddy when he was goofing around with a lampshade on his head: "Look, Mom! Daddy's lightbulb is burned out!"

~ And when Sunshine was asked why she was picking at her food, didn't she like it, she replied with, "Not excessively."


  1. OOPS! Used your real name. Glad I caught that immediately!

    I had to laugh especially at Sunshine's last comment. I was showing Ryan something I got for Christmas, and he told me "It's not terribly impressive, Mom."

    These first-born children!

  2. ROFL! Those are too cute!

  3. Hi, it is so good to read how the Lord has blessed and helped your family. Remember me from Prairiehomaker?
    Preston had a 9 week hospital stay in 2007. He is recovering very well now. Check out my blog is you wish!


  4. I love childrens comments - they can be absolutely priceless. When my girls were at playgroup I remember the owner saying she could write a bestselling book with all the things she had heard over the years.......

  5. I love your children's funny sayings! Hope you are well! I too, remember you fondly from a message board.
