Saturday, December 8, 2007

Whew, dodged a bullet this year

My shopping was done about a week ago. Got it all done in a couple hours.

Now before you turn green with envy, let me say that I only had to buy for my kids this year. Hubby and I are not exchanging gifts, nor are we giving gifts to extended family. It's just a rough year financially, so we are keeping it simple.

And may I confess a guilty secret? I am relieved that I don't have to buy a gift for hubby. Okay, do you think I'm totally awful?

It just that the man is horrible to buy for. Horrible. The only things he would be thrilled with would be waaaaaay outta our price range - expensive man toys, you know. Like firearms. Seriously. Even my sisters and parents struggle with buying for him.

One year I just said straight out for him to tell me what he wanted for Christmas that we could actually afford. So he picked an electronic gadget that he said he would get lots of use out of. Perfect. Only he never used it. Not once. It has long-since disappeared.

I used to get super stressed over his gifts, planning even sometimes a few months ahead to find the gift he would surely like. Other years I procrastinated in dread of the whole thing. Either way, it has turned out the same. He is neither impressed nor depressed over his gifts. It's just something he opens and then simply says, "thank you." That's it. And then he never uses them. LOL

So the last year or two I gave up. I started just walking through a store and if I see something that seems decent and might get used, I get it. I think the most successful gift I've given him is an insulated coffee mug. LOL

So does this make me a horrible person? I hope not. Because we're still young, and I have lot of Christmases and birthdays to shop for!


  1. Nope---not horrible in my book. We don't exchange gifts either. We do stockings for each other and that is it. We really don't usually do birthday gifts either. I'm sure that makes us in the minority, but I'm ok with at!!

  2. My word....that word verification for the above comment took me 4 tries...LOL!!

  3. Not horrible either; and I have to laugh, because the coffee mug is the only one gift that is appreciated each year as the 1 perfect gift. I find MY coffee-to-go mugs soon disappear if I don't keep them hidden. I did breakdown, and purchased him a soup thermos! Thinking....with all the soups I have sitting in the crock, now I can at least send him off with some; whether he eats it or choses to dine out ~I've done my job. LOL

    Plus, I know military life: you are issued any item you could possibly use (especially winter gear).... and no other item(s) can usually compete.


  4. Dh and I don't really do gifts for each other much - more at birthdays then Christmas and I insist we don't buy valentine's gifts. I just can't put much stock in the value of a piece of merchandise when I really know he loves me by what an amazing hubby he is all year long. We stopped doing gifts with our parents etc a few years ago. I told the kids we are moving to a very modest Christmas. They will still get lots of stuff because they have all our parents (5) plus great grand-parents plus a few aunts and uncles buying gifts for them. I told them Christ isn't honoured by people overbuying. Trying to get them to make things for each other - that part isn't going so great. We'll see.
