Tuesday, December 19, 2006

God has blessed me with wonderful sisters!

I have two sisters, both younger than myself. I can talk to both of them about anything. With them I feel safe and truly loved. They know my ugly sides, I bet even better than my husband does, and it doesn't matter. They still love me. They actually like spending time with me. Gasp! ;) No, really. We laugh over the dumbest things, I promise. I have no idea why, but we giggle over very lame things together. We can't seem to help it! I can act like a complete fool with them. And they just laugh.

Just today, my youngest sister told me that she was contemplating who was her best friend. Who did she name? Me. Wow, did that bless my socks off!

It's funny how life turns things around, like relationships with siblings. As kids, she and I did not get along. We rarely did anything together, even. There were enough years between us that it made it hard. We were not a homeschooled family, so we spent little real time together as sisters should (my parents both worked, and I was given the role of making sure she had her homework and chores done - not exactly a sisterly role). When I went away to college, well... there went what little relationship I had with her. I didn't even really know the real "her" during my college years and early marriage.

One unexpected blessing has come out of being separated from my husband and temporarily living back here with family... restoring and even improving upon my relationship with my youngest sister!

Now, my other sis... wow, has she blessed my family over the years. When I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I also had broken fingers (both hands were bandaged/in a cast) and could not care for myself or my oldest. She took a break from college (which was in another state) and lived with us so she could care for me, my home, and Sunshine, who was a toddler. She bathed me (!!), helped me dress, even fed me at times. She cooked meals for us, cleaned the house, was a second mommy to Sunshine... what a blessing she was.

Yeah, I'm blessed.


  1. Wow! That's amazing! I don't have anything like that. I had two much older brothers (7 yrs older and 11 yrs older). The oldest committed suicide when I was 10. The other is a delinquent type - roams from couch to couch and drinking binge to drinking binge. Very strange considering my parents are decent, normal people. That's awesome how your sister came to care for you! Wow! The way you talk with your sisters - I only have dh like that in my life. I have a couple 'good' friends that I talk with - but each has its limitations to what we talk about. It's more surface type stuff. Glad you have those great relationships in your life.

  2. btw - my blog is up and running again.

  3. Now I am not surprised in the least that your sisters are so wonderful. It must run in the family.

  4. Brenda, I'm sorry you don't have that with family, or friends for that matter. (((Brenda))) But I'm thankful you have that with your dh! And thanks for the heads-up on your blog.

    Julie - stop. No really, stop. Ok, well, you could say a bit more. LOL
