Thursday, December 14, 2006

Had fun with salt dough ornaments today!

My girls Sunshine and Sugar-n-Spice made salt dough ornaments today with me. They had so much fun! We were rather low on Christmas cookie cutters (could not find any in town!) so we just made do with the two we had, then free handed the rest. We made red and blue ornaments, and then with the remnants of those, we kneaded it together and the rest of the ornaments were swirly! Very cool looking!

In case you would like the recipe, here it is:

2 cups flour
1 cup salt
3/4 to 1 cup water
Food coloring (optional)
**You may also add cinnamon to this recipe for a nice smell, which also makes the ornaments brown like a gingerbread man.

Mix flour and salt, then add half the water. Knead a bit, then gradually add the rest of the water and knead again. If the dough is too crumbly, add more water. If it is too sticky, add more flour.

Roll out the dough to 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch thick. (We did the 1/4 inch.) Use cookie cutters to cut create shapes, and don't forget to use a straw to make the hole for hanging!

Bake at 325 degrees for 1 1/2 hours or until dry. (Keep checking, depending on your thickness of the dough.) Add a ribbon for hanging, and wala!

Anyway, we had fun. The girls LOVED digging their hands in the dough and smashing it. Mommy actually gave them permission to play in "food" - lol.

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