Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What a difference!

It is so funny how a day can be sooo different in the morning from how it is by the end. (That sentence is a perfect example of horrible grammar!)

This morning my older 3 were in fine form. (Insert sarcasm there.) They all whined, one was throwing major fits and crying obnoxiously over insignificant things, and one was arguing with me over most of what I said. Argh! At one point, I put Sugar-n-Spice in her room for an hour. Whew, that hour relieved a LOT of the problems. She still had moments of defiance the rest of the day, but the meltdowns and tantrums were largely over. I guess she just needed some time to regroup?

Then I had to do a first with Sweetheart. (He has recently entered full-blown Two-dom.) He was following big sister's lead and began his own obnoxious wailing, screaming, etc. So I put him in the bedroom. You would have thought I cut off his arm! Oh my, he hated that. But it quickly fixed the problem. Of course, I only put him in there for a couple minutes, and I was just outside the door. When he quit crying, I opened the door and asked if he was ready to stop throwing fits. He gave me such a pitiful "yes" that I almost felt sorry for him. However, the rest of the day if he started throwing a tantrum, all I had to say was, "Do you want to go to your bedroom?" He would very quickly calm down. Wow.

So, that was my morning. But the afternoon was wonderful! They were good little helpers, were so sweet, and it made for a peaceful way to end the day. Bedtime was even pretty good. Go figure!

Definitely, this mom thing has its challenges, like this morning. But then the rewards are so priceless! Reading books with my children leaning alllll over me so I can barely see the book... being tackled on the floor while they are shrieking wildly with laughter... getting one-of-a-kind drawings hand-delivered by the budding artist... and the list goes on.

I love being a mom!

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