Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good talk with my man.

I just got off the phone with him. He is having, as usual, a busy day over there. It's nonstop until he goes to bed, every day.

He called because he saw on our private blog that I was dealing with some pretty intense emotions regarding his deployment.

We had a great talk. I found out some of the things he is feeling, which is really good because he isn't the sort of guy to just offer those tidbits. Turns out, he feels the same way I do. Wow, is that good to know. It's very reassuring and comforting. And more importantly to me, he doesn't think I'm a wimp to feel this way.

Sadly, our talk only lasted 15 minutes. Suddenly he blurted out, "I gotta go." Ahh, well, another day, then.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to have a good talk with him.....that always helps.
