Friday, May 11, 2007

Hard as nails... not

We found a buyer advocate or buyer's agent or buyer brokerage... whichever term you prefer. Now the excitement is settling in for me! I've got about 3 houses that I'm more interested in than the others.

But I felt so sorry today... one of the realtor's called and I had to let her know we were working with someone now. She was very disappointed, and I felt horrible. She said, "Well, I could have done that for you." I had no idea. She didn't present herself as that. The lady we went with did from the very beginning and was very up front about her business approach and ethics. But I can't help feeling sorry for this other woman. Maybe that's silly, though. Perhaps I'd better get over it, as I've got a few other realtors I'm gonna have to tell. Not looking forward to that. Maybe I'm just too "soft." This is perhaps the reason my hubby has the most success with telemarketers and customer service agents? LOL

Seriously, if we have beef with a company, even though it is I who handles the moolah and sometimes have the bills in *my* name, when I couldn't get anywhere with them, he always can. Once we were having troubles with our bank, and he actually had the lady behind the desk shaking. I don't know how he does it!

Oh, and turning undesirable dates down? That was always so hard for me. Even the ones who were complete creeps and jerks. I didn't want to hurt their feelings, either. So I often said something along the lines of, "I'm so flattered that you asked; it's a compliment any time a guy asks. But no thank you." And sometimes stammered on after the no-thank-you, trying to make it better.

I'm just not a big meanie. But don't ask my 3 yr old. She'd beg to differ.


  1. Wow! The process is becoming R.E.A.L now! :)

    I loved Sugar & Spice's comments above. Very cute. ;)

    Also, of course you are still welcome even though you don't like icing. While I don't understand it, I will happily take your portion. :) You know, just a friend helping a friend out. ;)

    Hugs, Michelle
