Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sweetheart and Daddy bonding

Sweetheart was only... let me do the math here... 16 months old when we moved here to my parents' home and hubby was gone in another state. From time to time, we'd get a short visit from hubby, but no significant "bonding" happened between them, really. Sweetheart does remember him, but Daddy means something completely different to him than he does to the older girls.

Sweetheart is very intimidated by Daddy. I can see why... Daddy is a big fella and has some pretty intense eyes. And Daddy just has that something about him that can be pretty intimidating.

When Sweetheart is scolded by Daddy, Sweetheart cries pretty hard, but tries to hold it in, like he's afraid to even cry. With Mommy, Sweetheart wails his little heart out and lets me know exactly what he is feeling. But he acts like a deer in the headlights with Daddy. And when Daddy tries to show Sweetheart lovin', it doesn't always go over well.

So Daddy has started something new in the morning - he makes coffee for himself and Sweetheart. Sweetheart's "coffee" is just a smidge of coffee with a more-than-generous helping of milk and sugar. They go out on the front porch together each morning and drink their coffee. I have to say it is the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

Hubby and his dad never were very close. Hubby's dad just isn't a people person (which is funny, as he is a pastor). He'd be very happy to be a hermit with his books. Truly. He did love his boys, but he didn't do dad stuff with them, and my hubby wants differently for his boy and himself. It's going to be a challenge with hubby gone so much. But I love that he is actively seeking to get that going.

I love that when the kids are outside, he runs at them and tackles them to the ground. I love their squeals of delight and surprise. I love that he "wrestles" with Sweetheart and does those chest-bumps that fellas do.

It does my heart so much good to see them together.


  1. Oh...I can only imagine how happy you are!

    Logan and Lucas like to do head butts with daddy. Personally, I don't care for them :), so they are reserved especially for daddy!

    That is so sweet that they drink coffee together.

  2. That is sooooo sweet. It brought tears to my eyes. I imagine it does for you too!

  3. That is adorable. What a sweet daddy. Sweetheart is a lucky boy. :)
