Sunday, May 13, 2007

Wonderful message from dh for Mother's Day

My hubby sent me an ecard for Mother's Day. (Ecards are really awesome for us... he is horrible with a capital "H" at getting and giving cards. Plus, we are hundreds of miles apart!)

And inside the card, the message read:
"I love you, Babe. You are everything I could ever wish for in a Mom for my babies."

I think that's the best thing a man can ever say. Don't you?


  1. Yes....I think knowing that your husband thinks you are a great mommy is the best thing!!

    And...I can totally relate with husbands being bad at giving cards! Today mine told me he felt bad he hadn't got me a card. I told him not to worry, he wouldnt' have signed it and given it to me anyway. Then I jokingly said that there was probably one lying around from last year that he never gave me. Sad, but true. He bought me a card when Lucas was born (and one to be to me from Logan), but never signed them and gave them to me.

  2. I think it is so wonderful that he said how he feels. He never needs to know how encouraging his words are. lol
